Joint activities between the Ghana and UK support

These activities are currently supported by a jointly supervised PhD student, two significant grant proposals for DFID funding and support of The Royal Society. These shared resources will facilitate the development of the Centre, assisting with development of laboratory...


The Biochar for Sustainable Soils (B4SS) project – Sharing knowledge on the use of biochar for sustainable land management (SLM) The main objective of the B4SS project is to demonstrate and promote the adoption of sustainable land management (SLM)...


BeBi –  Agricultural and environmental Benefits from Biochar use in ACP Countries BEBI was a pilot initiative focused on testing biochar systems in rural communities of Togo, Ghana and Sierra Leone. The project allowed to explore and test many...


BIOCHAR PLUS – Energy, health, agricultural and environmental benefits from biochar use: building capacities in ACP Countries Biochar Plus improves the capacity of African countries to absorb and use biochar technology and promotes socio-economic development of families and communities....

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